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Alejandro Arango (1950)

Born in Mexico City in 1950. Arango worked in advertising for ten years. He studied both at San Carlos and La Esmeralda in Mexico City. He also lived and studied in Spain, France, Italy and New York City. His work has been exhibited since 1974. His painting is highly figurative with a narrative style and it can be described as rich in color and form. In 2004 he produced Public Art, Absolut Arango for the Absolut Vodka company. His paintings are part of important collections such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, Archer M Huntington Art Gallery, Austin TX, Museo Rufino Tamayo, México City, Centro Cultural de Arte Contemporáneo, Fundación Cultural Televisa, México City, Robert Gubiner Foundation, Long Beach CA, Colección de Arte Latinoamericano Ladeco, Santiago de Chile, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MARCO) de Monterrey and the Museo Josip Broz Tito, Belgrade Serbia.

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